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Visualizing Technology to Tell a Story

Technology is at the foundation of many services and products. Providing integrated design communications for these companies, whether it is B2B or B2C, requires the time to research and understand the use and benefit of their respective technology – especially when marketing to specific audiences.


Clients include: AT&T, Bloomberg, Deloitte, MobilePoint, WorldNow, Dow Jones, Yodle

Various Tech Clients


Wall Street Journal Office Network was a digital advertising network that was installed in over 400 buildings throughout the US. The site showcased their technology, network, and ad service offering. WorldNow Network provides an integrated media platform enabling broadcasters, operators and media companies to easily create, acquire, manage, analyze, monetize and distribute media assets. Medicare NewsGroup was a news and information resource for reporters, news outlets, and broadcasters, featuring original reporting and curated content devoted solely to Medicare news and legislation. Deloitte’s Multi-State Tax Lab provided its sales force access to new product information via an online experience and a connection to their intranet to download sales sheets, PPTs and newsletters.


Homepage and player

World Now Cover.jpeg
World Now Right.jpeg

Kit cover and insert




Product PPT of Tax Lab platform

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